Friday, December 28, 2012

Health Tips

How many people out there really want to make the best shot towards healthy living and, might I add, an enjoyable one at that?  It is hard to convey information in this age where there is too much abundance of everything, except the right answers.  Let us start with the answers that have proven to be on the mark.  Let us walk through portions of Dr. Joel Fuhrman’s book, “Eat to Live.”

While I read his book, I highlighted sections throughout to reflect on.  These are the things that I found very interesting.  One of my first highlights were the words true hunger.  Later in chapter six, I found the words toxic hunger.  So this is a good place to start a journey into his writings.

True hunger is a unique communication that exist only in a healthy body being thin and muscular.  The fat has to go to reach this level.  Very few people may ever know this hunger.  This condition is possible through Dr. Joel Fuhrman’s diet.  In chapter six, we find our already well known hunger to us, the toxic one.  Put bluntly, it the hunger that we get from eating low nutrient foods.  These foods are the largest portions of the American Diet (process foods (with their nutritious qualities removed and thus refined), sugars (concentrated varieties, even honey), fats (even the olive oils), animal proteins (including milk products & eggs), and last is a substance not really known for health at all (sodium chloride (salt)) yet it is heavily consumed within most of our foods.  If you are fat and very hungry, then you know this toxic hunger which only seems to serves us another plate of this voided nutrition (SAD, Standard American Diet).

I have made it to a healthier & very stable state, but am still fat (213 lbs @ 6 feet tall).  I know that the toxic hunger which I had can come back and lead me towards trouble like before (high blood pressure and constant weight gains).  What keeps me slightly safe is my adhesion of around 90% to the doctor’s diet.  I want to make it more like 95% soon with an increase in my exercises.  I haven’t exercised very much for months.  Dr. Joel Fuhrman’s whole diet idea is about lifestyle changes as well as foods.  Exercise is a part of how we live.

Best way to understand and gain knowledge is to read and listen to Dr. Joel Fuhrman’s book, “Eat to Live” all by yourself.  However, I will go over some of the book from time to time.  His knowledge that he shares with us is a treasure and wealth in our world washed in opinions and lies.  I have found two very helpful books in my life.  One was written by the Holy Spirit (our Bible) and the other by a simple man, a doctor of healthy knowledge that guides us towards regaining our health, permanently.    


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