Sunday, January 6, 2013

Water Fast Day 1

I am starting a “water fast” today to last a minimum of 14 days. The purpose of this “Water Fast” is to improve my overall health. Though I am not obese at 214 lbs and 6 foot high, my health isn’t ideal. I have been staying within 80% of my “Eat to Live” diet, yet my blood pressure readings are entering the 135 over 85 range. This commitment of staying on the “Eat to Live” diet 80% of the time isn’t enough. I want to reach my ideal health goal of 170 lb, blood pressure at 100 over 65 and better physical strength. Now is a good time to fast and start an even better year. Everything that I have done to try to improve my health has been building up in the right direction. One should not stop building. There are blessings for reaching your ideal health goal. I have already tasted some and wish to have the rest. Praise God. I should add that this knowledge about the “Eat to Live” diet came through a Christian health organization, Medishare, back in 2005. I didn’t take it too seriously then, but I do now. It does work. The blessings will come. Medishare gave me a book called “Eat to Live” by Dr. Joel Fuhrman to study and read. It helped me down the right pathway. I appreciate Medishare’s help and guidance. In a “Water Fast”, it is critical to know what you are doing. It can be dangerous, especially if you are on medications.
It should be done with a doctor’s supervision. A long water fast is a body’s natural way of rebooting itself back into a previous healthier state. However, if done improperly and unsupervised, it can harm you. The water fast itself, most likely, isn’t so dangerous, but the hazards are your medicines and personal genetic limits. I have researched “water fasts” thoroughly and have been through two of them on my own (one that failed in when I took some medicine during the fast and the other that I succeeded in (11 days long). I should have little trouble going through this water fast, since I now don’t take any medications and I have a first hand knowledge of the subject, as well as having read many articles and a decent book on the subject. For anyone interested in water fasting, I recommend the book, “Fasting and Eating for Health, A Medical Doctor’s Program for Conquering Disease” by Joel Fuhrman, M.D.. It is a highly recommend book, as well as all of his other books. I should have no trouble with this fast, but I will have a bottle of V-8 juice on standby, just in case things go wrong. The one thing that the human body can not live without is Potassium. Potassium is used throughout the nervous system. It allows for the firing of the electrical pulses to run your heart and everything else. V-8 juice is loaded with Potassium. If my heart palpitates like it did in the first fast, then the V-8 is my safe-guard to break the fast and return my Potassium levels back to normal. I recommend everyone to find a doctor and use his knowledge and expertise versus the way that I have gone and now still going own your own. I don’t have the money to pay for a doctor’s expertise, so I rely on my own efforts to maintain and improve my health (especially for many chronic health issues). Water Fasting is quite different than juice fasting or other types. With water fasting, you trigger your body’s own rebooting mechanism, returning systems to a previous more ideal healthy state. This happens after about 72 hours for men and 48 hours for women during the water fast. At that point, the body goes into what is called the Ketosis state. In this state, the body begins to clean plague off of its own blood vessel walls and fat cells for its energy needs to survive, then does a general house cleaning and healing. A person’s Blood pressure comes down permanently after a long water fast (eleven days or more). Blood pressure could go back up over time, if a person returns to unhealthy eating practices like that of the notorious SAD (Standard American Diet).


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