Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Health Revealed 2

My father didn’t like doctors and never really trusted them.  I agree, but understand things differently.  A doctor’s education is complicated and more modernly designed for treatment of symptoms, knowing that cures aren’t really possible when our chronic diseases are diet related.  They admit that their patients won’t likely come off of their SAD foods.  By this, they are admitting that their patients are hooked on the Standard American Diet.  They prescribe pills for the symptoms that come from SAD foods and pills for the pills’ side effects, knowing all along from their training that all medicines are toxic.  Are they not poisoning us to cover-up these symptoms, however un-intentionally?  Doctors are given very little nutritional education during their training, according to Dr. Joel Fuhrman.  So, they may not even realize that there is a remedy & pathway for their patients to take to improve their health.

When the China Project came about over twenty years ago, quite a stir occurred within the food industry, medical field, pharmaceuticals and government.  Yet there is proof that the China Project’s results are true by just observing the ever slow march of our government’s move telling us to eat more veggies and fruits while staying away form salts, fats, sugars, process foods and to limit our meats.  The government’s attempt to bring healthy information to its citizens still has a long way to go to yet wean its people off of the SAD foods thus breaking their addictions.  The food & pharmaceutical industries also need to be weaned off of their illicit profits.

Doctors, nutritionists, researchers and concerned people were involved in the China Project back in 1980’s to determine the effects of certain foods on the human body.  (The China Project was conceived in 1980-81 during the sabatic visit of Dr. Chen Junshi, Deputy of Institute of Nutrition and Food Hygiene, Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine, to the laboratory of Professor T. Colin Campbell, Division of Nutritional Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.  A short while later, they were joined by Professor Richard Peto, University of Oxford, England, and by Dr. Li Junyao, China Cancer Institute, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and their colleagues in China, the United States, England, Canada, and France.....  ( http://webarchive.human.cornell.edu/chinaproject/index.html ))  What they found was amazing and rubbed against much of the world’s & USA’s agricultural industry and their powerful lobbyists & supporters in governments.   It is very hard to reach the people through the government, but would be a wonderful avenue.  The big businesses are in the way of reaching people with helpful information.  They have a strangle hold on our laws, governing personnel and the politicians’ future through their large political donations.  Through the China Project, researchers found that cancer, high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and many other modern SAD food-born chronic diseases were absent in many isolated villages throughout parts of China, and they was because of their food consumptions and lifestyles.  Now through today’s research around the world, evidence has been building in agreement with the China Project.  We are learning how to eat and take better care of ourselves.  This mystery of how we have good health is being removed.  The responsibility lies on each of us to now live a the healthy lifestyle, away from our mainstream’s unhealthy addictions, foods & lifestyles.  Dr. Joel Fuhrman supports his conclusions through carefully laid out research projects being done across the world and then footnotes them into his writings.  He tries to be a true professional, which I admire.


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